digital delegate Features Update
Latest features update from digital delegate.
It’s been a busy few months on the features front. Here are a few highlights of new additions to the digital delegate feature list.
- Move delegates between breakout rooms
- Assign latecomers to breakout groups
- Pre-allocate breakout rooms
- Site wide alerts
- Direct calling
Moving delegates between breakout groups is a common way of dealing with nominees and winners at online awards ceremonies. With pre-allocated breakout rooms, easily focus on your winner to bring them front and centre without other nominees.
You’ve pre-allocated your users but there’s a last minute sign up who’s joined the event after the breakout groups have already started – no problem! Unallocated delegates appear at the top of the breakout list and can be easily moved to an active breakout group.
Want to remind everyone about this afternoon’s quiz? Time to highlight a sponsor? Or has your host just mentioned how to donate? Send global messages to all of your delegates with links and countdown timers. As with all of the features on digital delegate, the alerts are customisable to your event style and branding.